NAET is a therapy designed by an American medical doctor, Dr. Devi Nambudripad, MD with the goal of eliminating intolerances and allergies. The therapy is called the NAET method. This word NAET is an abbreviation of “Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Techniques”.
This NAET therapy is natural and painless, without the use of medication, and involves the application of a manual massage on specific areas of the body. It uses elements of kinesiology and accupression, both of these techniques are based on knowledge of the body’s energy system.
On the other hand, from the point of view of western medicine, one could say that it is the nervous system that plays a key role in the NAET technique. It is thanks to the characteristics of the nervous system of the body that it becomes possible to desensitize the allergens to which the body reacts.
Dr. Devi Nambudripad, MD has established rules and procedures for therapists who follow her method.
First, medical diagnosis belongs to medical doctors. NAET therapists can be part of other health care professional groups but it is agreed that they will not diagnose nor prescribe if they are not MD’s. It is also the attending physician of the person (client) who determines the medical treatment. The NAET method is only a complementary technique to the treatment of the MD.
Then for the NAET practitioner there is a procedure to follow regarding the therapy itself.
– There is a series of basic substances that have priority to be treated
– Only one new allergen is treated per session
– There are strict security rules
The NAET method is a modern method of our time. It is very helpful to face a particular “challenge” of our time, namely that of the growing number of people suffering from allergens.
Although the NAET method was first designed to eliminate intolerances and allergies, it has evolved and other applications of the method have been discovered and are still being discovered. For example in the field of the emotional (see for instance the chapter “Emotional Wellness” on this site) and many other fields. NAET can contribute to better general health and is also useful for certain health problems, especially where there is a hidden link with intolerances or allergies.